Oil Infused Wellness with Diane S Luderman

Breathe Easy Challenge: Start Here

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  • Do you have trouble breathing when the seasons change?
  • Are you constantly battling stuffy sinuses?
  • Do you want your home to be a safe haven for others?
  • Do you suffer from headaches?
  • Do you feel constantly congested?
  • Do you have chronic skin issues?
  • Do you struggle with brain fog?
  • Do you find your chest tightening and your airways feeling restricted?

Fragrances may be your culprit, and we can help! In April we're inviting you to join us for a special but very simple Breathe Diffuser Challenge to invest in the well-being of your home during this spring season! Whether you are running through fields of wildflowers with abandon, waiting for the snow to melt, or huddled in a corner sneezing through boxes of tissues, we have tools for you! One of our most-loved, powerful oil trios is Lavender, Lemon & Peppermint, and it's about to become the terrific trio you didn't know you needed to come to your rescue! This challenge is so easy!!!


Here's the plan. During the month of April we want to introduce you to the habit of diffusing daily by giving you all kind of ideas and tips around this trio of oils! Gentle, uplifting, soothing, and bright - we use these oils for so many things. Aromatherapy tips, DIYs and diffuser blends all coming your way!


  • Sleep Well
  • Pamper Your Skin
  • Breathe Easy
  • Refresh Your Space
  • Calm the Heart
  • Energize Your Day

So what will we do April 1-30?

  • Diffuse Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint Oil every day in your home.
  • Take at least one full minute to slow down and breathe it in.
  • Reduce candle and fragrance use anywhere that you can.

That's it. There's no more to it. Literally will take a minute total, and you will not believe the results! We will also have fun giveaways, recipes, seasonal relief tips, videos, and more in our Facebook group as we take a deep breath and prepare for a busy spring season where we take care of our inward and outward health.

You can grab your products by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. If you have an account, grab 15ml bottles of Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint Oil. If you're new with us, we highly recommend the huge savings of buying these three products in our Premium Starter Bundle on our Loyalty Rewards program, it will give you a 24% discount on all the products Young Living offers and you will begin earning 10% back on each of your orders. PLUS, when you place a second Loyalty order next month (we'll help you decide what to purchase), you'll get a second free diffuser to continue your new diffusing habit!

Once you've ordered, check out the Breathe Easy Challenge: All You Need to Know resource linked below and get all the details about our fun Facebook group with live videos and giveaways, more education on inside out recover for your health, and more!